Saturday, October 09, 2004

So far so good!

Wow, don't usually blog on a weekend but I'll explain why...

Friday night I got home late (traffic was REALLY bad), so instead of waiting to cook, bf and I went out to dinner near by, home by 7 which was great. Then I cleaned the kitchen as planned, all the cabinets are cleaned, pulled out the stove, cleaned the bathroom and vacuumed a lot, the rest of the apartment (dusting) isn't done but maybe I'll do that tomorrow, i do that regularly anyway. Plus I should mop the tile floors tomorrow too.

Then I worked on mister weasel, got almost all the stitching done - that's 1 hour closer to done and maybe today I'll finish him. I also ironed my quilt blocks and backing fabric and cut the batting and backing so that's ready to quilt.

Today I slept in (9), then went to the grocery store with bf, got lots of food, including apples to make an apple pie tonight. Then I put away food which included putting more food in containers and now all containers are used up. Then I started pinning my quilt blocks (basting with pins), then I started planning out my quilting and did a few lines on block 1. So far so good, I'm liking it.

Then I took a nap and now i'm up and ready to work on the website, however my email isn't working because they're upgrading it and that's very bad for me while i'm trying to work since a lot of what i'm testing involves emails, so i came on here quick. I will now go back to work, and see what i can do without email for now and if i run out of stuff i'll make my apple pie.

On the menu tonight : Chicken Adobo with rice and green beans.
On the menu tomorrow: eating out
On the menu monday: Pork Tenderloin cooked 1 of 3 new ways I have recipes for, hopefully with potatoes if my potatoes are still good :)

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