Sunday, October 31, 2004

Pictures and more!!

First as promised, here are some updated pictures.

True Blue Friends finished:

And Bunny Gingham progress 6 hours:

As for the weekend - here it is Samhain and I'm on the computer for work basically. I had no choice really. Let's see how things went:
- Walmart yes - got what i needed
- Grocery store - NO
- Work on website/quilt - website a tiny bit - no quilt
- Clean the apartment (this will be saturday's treat) - YES took forever
- Work on website - finish sales part - NONE
- Finish quilt block (maybe into the late hours of the night sunday) - See later
- Go to car dealership to look at cars - Yes, also had to pick up a "halloween costume" and do some other shopping with bf
- go to library to see about books on tape - NO forgot
Add to this list - went to halloween party at bf's friend's house (law school friend) - met law school friends, was cold (outdoor party) - went home and then quilted while watching a movie until 2 am which changed to 1 am :)
- go to brother's football game sunday - YES
- dinner with family after football game - they came to my apartment and we ordered pizza
- quiet sunday night reflecting the year past and welcome the new year - not yet
- spend some quiet time sunday night under the stars (whatever i can see) and moon, more reflecting, praying and giving thanks - not yet
- No Website work since it's a holiday (Samhain) - darn it too bad -

So I've gotten some work on the site done tonight, and i still have another hour until law and order criminal intent is one, i may work on the site more i may just go outside for a bit - by the way the WEATHER IS BEAUTIFUL TODAY! going to the football game was great, the sun was shining, it was warm, perfect day. So i'd like to sit out under the stars for a bit.

My quilt block is NOT done yet. All that is left is to quilt the spirals in the corners but that takes a while, i'm not sure i'll finish in time for my class tuesday, maybe get 2 spirals done. The website is not as far along as i wanted it to be, especially since tomorrow is the last night i ahve time to work on it until next sunday! I'll figure something out of course.

Well - i'm going to go through my october checklist now since it's the 31st and this is more fun than working :)

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