Friday, October 08, 2004

As Promised:

I worked on mister weasel at stitch night last night, got lost of compliments on him too. It looks to me like I have about 3 hours left of work to go and he should be done. This is 10 1/2 hours of progress right here.

So far on my TO DO list - Last night I got the walmart trip done, took out the garbage (counts as cleaning right), went to stitch night, packed up some of my food (pasta) in the tupperware I bought (a small start on the cabinets I need to go through) and then read before bed. Doing pretty good.

I found out my boyfriend's sister is in town this weekend (she's now living in Kansas I believe, but she has a wedding here). So they want to go to dinner with us Sunday night... so Saturday night hopefully I can cook up one of my new recipes that I have.

We broke down and turned the heat on last night- oh boy - i've never had these kind of radiators before and they have pressure valves (i think) and they release steam - but it's really loud! It kept waking me up so I finally turned it off, plus we could smell steam (smelled like a steam iron). So I'm going to call my landlord this weekend to find out if it's supposed to do that and if it will stop eventually because i can't deal with this - it woke me up at 1 and now i have a headache from not getting a good sleep. Plus at first we thought it was a gas leak we heard when we didn't know what it was. Why can't anything be easy in this dumb apartment!

I must read my mom's email and email her back, then get some breakfast. Enjoy the pic!

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