Thursday, January 13, 2005

While I have a few minutes I think I'll add some stuff to my sidebar -- a "currently stitching" pic and anything else I think of.

Last night was great, I mostly just stitched, I worked on the Mystic Sampler and got about 2 1/2 hours in, finishing it down to the grapes which are almost done too. The best part about it right now is that I've already started most of the lines so it's a matter of finishing them and feeling that sense of accomplishment for each line finished.

Tonight I have my stitch night so even more stitching will get done on it :) I figure I'll finish the grape vines and maybe the maple leaves too. I somehow need to fit in a trip to the gym tonight too - we'll see how that goes.

At work I've moved over to using a linux machine, still running windows on top for email purposes but I'm liking xwindows and all my work is actually in linux so this may be a permanent thing for me. Now if only I could get my mouse scroll button working on linux, that's driving me a bit crazy!

Off to update the side bar a bit... need to find the address for my images...

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