Thursday, January 20, 2005

Thursday has arrived. I was going to babysit tonight but it turns out the baby is not feeling well, so I am not. I'm pretty weak from not eating yesterday until a bit at dinner so that's just as well. I did eat a bagel for breakfast though and had some tea so I am feeling better, can handle food now, just still weak, it was really hard to stand up in the shower, my knees were shaky.

My boyfriend is feeling much better, i believe he made it to school today. Maybe we can go to the gym tonight even, I will be weak but I could at least walk a bit.

I worked more on Mystic Sampler last night, finishing up the running stitch and most of the wave stitch for the ocean/harbor scene. That leaves the boats and seagulls which is nice. I didn't bring my stitching bag in for lunch because i have a doctor appt. today which takes my lunch time. Yesterday at lunch I did stitch for a half hour though and finished the stitching of one bottle, just backstitching left on that bottle and the other bottle left. I originally planned to do both bottles by friday but I think I need to finish the word Herbs before doing the other bottle to get the placement correctly. So tomorrow I will finish this bottle and work on the word. Next week I'll hopefully remember to bring my gold in to do the border.

Looks like this weekend is filling up fast. Tomorrow not so bad, work then work on the website, saturday we'll leave early and head to my parents where i can share fabric with my mom and maybe cut out some more ohio star blocks to start piecing. Then we'll go to a party for our friend back from Iraq. After that head back home so I will have sunday to work on the website and then relax (stitching/quilting - hopefully quilting actually).

Yesterday was very relaxing. I went to my aunt's, helped prepare dinner, stitched a bit, ate dinner, stitched some more. Let's see - 2 hours maybe total of stitching (with interruptions). I did manage to stay awake through law and order which surprised me, i thought i'd be sleeping by 8. I slept real well though and I feel good today, going to get lots of work done :)

Speaking of work - time to get started.

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