Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Well now I definately have a cold. I thought I was getting it friday but getting 13 hours of sleep must have pushed it off until last night, I got home and it hit big time. I had a headache and sinus pain. This morning it was all a little worse and my throat hurts, so I took some tylenol cold and I just had a cup of tea (instead of my regular morning hot chocolate).

Besides that I did remain pretty productive last night. I touched the website a tad, and stitched a tad more while watching the end of The OC season I missed but had taped (last 4 episodes I think). So I made a little progress on Legends, started working on the left wing of Magic and the head. Then I picked up my quilt and finished the one green strip I had started so I'm 1/4 done with the first green border. I need to focus on this more than my stitching for a while if I plan on meeting my June goal of finishing the green and starting the cross hatch in purple.

Tonight I have to clean - really I have to. I haven't cleaned in a while and I'm seeing those little spiders (the ones that look like daddy long legs but smaller), in the corners. I'm horribly afraid of spiders so if I don't clean I'll start having nightmares or something. So I will start as soon as I get home tonight which shouldn't be too late, i've been getting to work early enough that I can leave before 4:30, that's with an hour stitching break too.

Tomorrow night I go to my uncle's, hopefully I will work on my ohio stars a bit, since I didn't last week. I'd like to get number 10 pieced so I have no reason to put off cutting out number 11,12, and 13. They are still not cut out!

Well my cold is getting to me, maybe this calls for two cups of red tea? I hate colds, maybe I should have just called in sick today and slept, but I wouldn't have slept and I have tons of work to do...

1 comment:

Carol said...

Awww... hope you feel better soon! I wish my rotation schedule gave me as much time to stitch on Legends as yours does :-) At your pace, you will be done wayyy ahead of me :-)