Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Feeling better.

Well last night was horrid, by the end of the day I was in pain (sinus/headache etc) and I just wanted to sleep. I went home and slept for about an hour - mostly in a delusional state of uncomfortableness and constant waking up. But finally at 6:30 I got back up and did some work on the website for 2 hours. that was tough on my head but it had to be done.

I had really wanted to get the apartment cleaned so even as sick as I was I cleaned, a bit anyway, cleaned the bathroom and kitchen and then vacuumed all the floors. I still need to do a better vacuum job to get the cielings and behind the couches etc, before my spider craze will be gone but this is much better.

Then I tried sleeping again. Didn't work out too well, I was still delusional and finally when my boyfriend called me at 11:30 (which I complained about but I wasn't actually sleeping when he called - just trying to sleep), anyway, I took Nyquil finally and then slept till 6 no problem, even fell back asleep after my alarm to make it in a little later than normal.

So today I still have a headache and some sinus pressure/congestion but I feel 80% better than yesterday and if I eat better today and sleep again tonight I should be fine tomorrow.

So no stitching last night, I worked on Legends of the Dragons at lunch time, made a bit of progress on his left wing. Today at lunch I hope to continue with Legends.

What am I up to stitching wise:
Well in the evenings from now on I'm going to work on the website mostly and quilt any free time I have.
At lunch I will work on Legends of the Dragons.
At my stitch nights (every thursday) I will work on my next Ever So Little (Gazelle), and work on that on the weekends until it's finished as well.
I need to embroider a block for my quilt guild still too - so this weekend I hope to start that and piece the other 4 blocks for the raffle quilt as well. The embroidery is due by the 28th but the 4 pieced blocks must be done by the 18th.

Now I've already eaten breakfast and I am going to get some work done this morning, even if I have to shut my office door (to block out the talking in the hallway) to do it!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Hi Nikki - Glad to hear you are starting to feel a little better - lots of folks have sinus problems right now, and it is not fun :-( Dying to see your next Legends progress pic - tonight is finally Legends night for me again :-) I will post my progress before I go to bed....