Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Got out early today, a nice treat. I was home by 4 and watched Dreamcatcher while quilting on and off. Basically it was a movie night where I tried to quilt but I kept getting distracted.

I just finished up my yoga dvd again, it's a difficult workout for me, but so far I can do all the poses for the length of time required. And now I'm headed to bed to read for a while before drifting off to a relaxing sleep (hopefully) :)

And a quick note to self:
Tuesday: Amish Quilt - 2 hours
Ohio Star: 1/2 hour
Monday: Legends - 3 hours
Sunday: Legends 1/2 hour
Gazelle 1/2 hour (finished)

1 comment:

Carol said...

Congratulations on the getting out early deal!! :-) How do you ever keep track of counting the hours - I don't do that, I guess I never saw the point to it, but maybe an hour counter like yourself could enlighten me? I prefer to count days, weeks or months (or sometimes... years) LOL!