Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Guild last night. Wow - there were a LOT of quilts! I had a real good time, 2 ladies who quilt together did a lecture and showed off some quilts - about an hour or so of just showing quilts - it was great.

I did then make it to the gym where i ran for a bit. I didn't lift too, mostly because i was kind of dizzy and light headed, so this week i will stick to the treadmill and pick up lifting again next week.

Tonight however i'm off to my aunt and uncle's for the night. Hopefully i will work on my ohio stars. I just realized i forgot to bring the movies i was going to bring for them to borrow - darnit... i'll have to remember them the next time i go.

Lunch today i worked more on precious moments, started the face and hands. Getting the flesh color done, then i'll fill in the eyes and cheeks. Once i start the hair maybe i'll start the backstitching too so the design really starts to come to life.

Nothing else going on - i'm tired today and had a lot going on -one hour left to go - i think i can write a few unit tests in that time....

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