Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Boo - it's the middle of the week...

I must say that I am a busy person. To really understand this you must see my schedule :
5:45 - get up shower get ready for work, make boyfriend and my lunches
6:30 - leave (drive to work)
7:15 - 3:30 - work
4:20 - arrive home (drive home takes longer due to taffic)
4:30-5:30 - gym -- it's a nice gym, i did 30 minutes on the treadmill then stretched real good.
5:30 - 6 - cook dinner and shower then eat dinner (dinner took 15 min to cook)
6 - 10 - work on website, from 8-9 I also watched Gilmore Girls but continued working
10-11 - worked on quilt block while watching Law&Order SVU
11 - went to bed after packing up my bag for tonight
Then i starts over getting up at 6am this morning ( a tad late)

Today will be easier, after work I'm going to my aunt's so I don't work on the website or go to the gym, I help cook dinner, eat then relax, maybe quilt oh and do laundry of course.
So that's a day in the life of ME. As I mentioned I got to quilt a bit, my block is almost 2/3 done - the middle row has two more seams to stitch together and then that's done and I have just the bottom row left. Maybe i'll put up a pic on Friday!

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