Friday, December 10, 2004

Helping others...

I love to help. If you can tell by my posts, I tend to talk a lot about myself generally, I don't take over conversations or anything but I do love to talk. When someone else has a problem and comes to me however I really love to listen and help any way I can, even if by really listening I am helping, that alone gives me pleasure. I like to know a friendship is going both ways and when someone comes to me then I know they value me as a friend as much as I value them and that is very meaningful to me. I'm not one to have a lot of friends, I am not a large group person, I have a hard time in conversations in a group and mostly sit quietly and listen but one on one is more my thing. Really talking to a person and learning about them and sharing something of myself.

Anyhow - the message is - go listen to someone today :)

Back to normal : I survived! I babysat my 3 cousins and survived, not just survived but it went very well. I got them all to sleep and at one point I was sitting in their bed with the baby sleeping in my arms, the oldest next to me and the middle one intertwined in my legs, all kind of snoring. It was adorable. I held the baby the rest of the night as she's used to that and fusses if you put her down, especially since she had a bottle and this was the first time she took a bottle with no problems but it definately wasn't her mom if you know what I mean.
So now i'm pretty confident next Friday night will go well. I've learned a bit, it might be easier to try to get the baby to sleep first, even if she just takes a quick doze, then try the other 2 who could technically stay up till 7:30 and I had the baby almost asleep by then... if i start out feeding the baby she may sleep around 7 even. Even better if I can get her in the crib, my aunt and uncle said they're going to try putting her in the crib more this week to see if she can start to get used to it. By the way the kids are 5, 3 and 10months.

So that was my night. And yesterday at lunch - 7 letters done! That leaves only 5 letters left on bunny gingham and he'll be finished! I'm hoping to finish today and get a picture this weekend. He won't get washed since he has hand dyed threads but I haven't gotten a frame for him yet either. For now he'll wait. Alright - now I have work to do :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicole, you did great with the 3 children! It's admirable, because when you're not used of having children, it's a lot of work. Especially with a baby!
So great job. Good luck on friday. Have a good week!
Anneke (steekjevast)