Thursday, December 16, 2004

Easy babysitting done - hard babysitting still to come...

Last night was easy and fun. After a not so bad day at work (with some great food!), and some stitching on Herbal Sampler (Parsley done, word Oregano started).. I headed to my aunt and uncle's. My cousin was there and we went and got a pizza and ice cream. While eating we watched some movies (after eating I moved to working on the website [ on my day OFF!!] and then cross stitching on Pooh for 2 hours.)

So Pooh is coming along nicely, or should I say piglet because that's the part I worked on last night. All piglet has left is his ears and his legs are not finished. Then outlining but I will start the bottom half of Pooh first in case they touch more.

While I did this my boyfriend was out with his law school friends celebrating the end of semester 1 with a few drinks. I talked to him at 11 last night and then called this morning to be sure he got home all right since everytime I woke up last night I worried (that's 2am, 3 am, 5 am and 5:30)... then i got up at 6:20.

So Day 4 of 8 days of pigging out - the halfway mark is today. It starts with bagels like every thursday so I'm going to go make some tea to go with them, then it's MiddleEastern day foodwise I think, not sure what that means but it's probably good!

Tomorrow night I'm babysitting the 3 cousins again. I haven't talked my boyfriend into helping me yet but I will try tonight. It would be SO much easier with someone there to help hold the baby who doesn't like to be put down and he's good at getting her to sleep. Whether he comes or not I'm looking forward to tomorrow night, I had a real good time last time and I have a small gift for the 2 older girls to work on for their parents, hopefully while the youngest is in a playing mood.
Well it's time for tea.. bagels are calling me :)

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