Monday, August 09, 2004

Furniture is here!!!

We had a very up and down weekend. Friday night I got home, cleaned and then started priming the 3 walls in the bedroom that were left. My boyfriend showed up around 9:30 and I was still painting, so I finished up while he relaxed a bit then while I showered he blew up the air mattress for us to sleep on (the bedroom smelled too much like paint).

Saturday we slept late, painted the last coat on the bedroom walls and then got cleaned up. We had to drive to the Fedex place to pick up his package, forgot the slip with the tracking number, drove back to the apartment then back to Fedex, then finally to my uncle's house, we hit some heavy traffic though and we showed up at his house 2 hours later than originally planned.

Finally though we headed out to get the furniture, it all fit perfectly, got it to the apartment and got the loveseat and tables in no problem. Then while the guys worked on getting the couch through an impossibly small door I put the feet on the loveseat and waited. Finally, after almost giving up they got it through - and it all looks great. Unfortunately we couldn't enjoy it for long because we were starving and wanted to get back.

Saturday night we ate pizza then played video games until around midnight, slept in again and then played with the girls all morning. Finally around lunch time we headed back and put our new tables together. Finally the livingroom was complete. We took the tape and plastic off everything in the bedroom and got that all put back together then I cleaned while my boyfriend showered. After everything was cleaned up we could finally just enjoy!

Then we went to the mall to get me some clothes for work, not realizing the mall closed early on sundays (at 6) so we ended up rushing after finding a great deal on some dressy pants, 4 pairs of pants for 100 dollars. The shirts we weren't so lucky with, I got 3 shirts and a pair of shoes for 120. Usually I can do much better but we were stuck with just Filene's open till 7. So maybe next weekend we'll hit the mall again, especially if i go home we can go to the mall I'm used to and go to H&M.

Now for the frustrating part, I got my oil changed on friday (finally), and then saturday when I moved my car so we could unload the truck we saw that my car was leaking oil badly, so they messed something up at jiffy lube. Unfortunately they were closed already and not open on sundays so there was nothing I could do about it. So today I have my boyfriend's car for work and he's going to take my car back and have them fix the oil filter, they must have put it on wrong.

So i'm crossing my fingers that that goes well and my car doesn't break down on me now. My boyfriend is staying here until his laptop comes in the mail which could be today or tomorrow (UPS). Luckily I bought Doom3 to keep him occupied sitting around the apartment all day - just came out and he played last night and loves it. We're hoping it runs better on his new laptop though because on my computer you have to run it at such a low resolution that you can't enjoy it as much.

Well the week begins, doctor appointment tomorrow and working on the website most nights this week. Not really looking forward to much free time. Thursday night though I want to go to my LNS for stitch night 6:30-9, bring my RR i'm working on and maybe finish up another star and the flowers in the center of the stars. I think I"m taking a break from the gym today because I'd like to get home early (3:30 if i don't take a break). Then tomorrow I have my appt. so no gym but wed and thur i can go to the gym. Maybe we'll go running when I get home tonight. What a plan...

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