Saturday, December 02, 2006

Hah - completely forgot to blog yesterday and completely unknown - i'm blogging on a saturday! I guess I really don't want to go study yet today :)

I did go to stitch thursday and worked on the border of celtic banner a bit - didn't stay long, I managed to go home and study a bit. Last night I worked late and then studied before just falling asleep.

Today is going well, I went for my run, went to spend some time with friends and now I'm home, spent some time with my bf and now i'm going to go study as much as I can to lighten the load for tomorrow -- after monday i'm done for a while!!!

My diet is still going well.. going to go update that and tomorrow is my cheat day - i can't wait :) I'm feeling really great!

1 comment:

Carol said...

LOL! I thought it was pretty weird to see "NEW" next to your blog name on a Saturday :-)