Friday, December 22, 2006

The biggest day...
So the problem I've been having all day is how to give this news... in phone calls, in emails ... I don't know how to begin. So I'll give a little story:

When I was in 7th grade I got a crush on a boy - he was the popular boy - I was the geek (geek exemplified). This crush continued, he even knew about it at one point (how embarrassing that was!) - note to crushers everywhere - "Secret Admirer" birthday signs taped to lockers are probably not anonymous in 7th grade :)

Anyway - I went pretty much un-noticed through school by said boy - until one day - senior year of high school when I got very noticed.

Well we started dating - in february of 2000 (senior year). We went to colleges close to each other (and close to home), after graduating college in 2004 we decided to move to Boston where I got a job and he could go to law school. So we officially moved in together in August of 2004.

And here we are - Going on almost 7 years together - and now ...

We're ENGAGED :)

Oh and it was so sweet - it happened at 8:30 this morning and I couldn't be any happier. My family is so excited and I can't wait to see them all this weekend and next to celebrate (I had many a conversation with a squealing aunt this morning :) and my sister was so surprised - it was great!)

There's plenty more to write but I want to keep this post special so I'll close up for now and fill in more about the day later in the weekend or so.
Happy Holidays everyone!!!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story.
I am so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Nicole!!! Congratulations!!! What a romantic story with a fairytale ending!!!!

Happy Holidays to you and your family!!!

Anonymous said...

congratulations! u must b the luckiest girl on earth.

Michelle said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful story - big hugs!!!