Thursday, May 05, 2005

More than half way finished with block 9 of ohio star.

That's pretty much my night. I worked till 5:30 (not bad only 9 hours), then went to my uncle's and we just relaxed for a bit before dinner. Dinner was great, it was pork boiled and then grilled with potatoes. Gotta love a free meal :)

The rest of the evening the red sox game was on so i worked on my ohio star and i really am close to done, maybe an hour, hour and a half tops left to finish it so maybe i really will finish 2 this month :)

Of course i fell asleep during law and order but now that they have all these new characters i'm not that interested, first lenny is gone - of course the actor passed away but he left the show first, and the guy they brought in i'm not a fan of, he's too loud and pompous. Now green has left i guess, he was shot and i missed the episode after, now they have this younger guy that is REALLY animated and overexcited about everything. Bores me big time. I'll stick to SVU and CI and reruns for now i guess.

Hmmm... time for hot chocolate and a long day - i should be out by 5 though because it's STITCH NIGHT! Time to work on Legends maybe??

1 comment:

Carol said...

Hi Nikki - Man, has it been hard to post to your blog lately - the comment box is slow to come up.... must be the particular blog skin you chose... Oh well. Anyhow, caught your plug for your shop! I like their site, but no PayPal? Yikes! If I use a CC, DH sees what I spend. With PayPal, I can withdraw from my little checking account and he then knows nothing :-)