Thursday, May 25, 2006

SO close! Really - Going To Market is just about done, I just have to backstitch the black line up the back of the woman's dress and the back arm. If I go back to the car dealership today I can finish it up there probably! Then what to do!

This weekend is nice and long with friday and monday off but there won't be much stitching until maybe monday. It's our family reunion so friday I will be back home helping clean/cook/shop for saturday and saturday will be all family - sunday morning too. Then we'll probably come back later sunday. I'm really looking forward to a good weekend.

So yesterday I got my car fixed in the morning - the check engine light was on and it makes a wierd hum noise when I drive, so they "fixed" it for 230 dollars - alright - not breaking the bank but that's a LOT for a 20 dollar part I could have replaced in 30 minutes max. However the noise is not gone and yesterday when I started up my car again the light was back on! So whatever it is they didn't fix it at all! So now I have to call them and see what my options are - I need my car to drive back to NY tonight so my only shot is going to the dealer this afternoon around 3:30 after work and probably missing stitch to see my friends! I am a little mad as who knows how much more I will have to pay now but I will definitely be asking for a discount since I have to come back!

1 comment:

Singular Stitches said...

Wonderful progress on 'Market'!

My check engine light has been on for about the last year. (it comes on about 5 min after starting the car and stays on until I turn off the car) I have an older car ('95) and I go to a mechanic that I trust implicitly, and his suggestion to me (to save money by not doing a lot of testing) was that, unless you're noticing decidedly diminished performance, then just ignore it until there is some issue. I also live in a county where I don't have to have emissions testing with my yearly inspection. If you do live in a county where it is required, but you don't notice a degredation of car performance, then you may just want to wait until your next inspection. Just something to think about.