Wednesday, May 10, 2006

And Pride & Prejudice is finished! So I got home by 8 last night just in time to watch the finale of Gilmore Girls - not a huge fan of the finale that's for sure!
However then I picked up Pride & Prejudice again and finished it just in time to get to bed. I have to say this is if not my favorite book, definitely up in the top 5. I started by listening to it on tape but it got too good to only listen in the car and since I own the book I started alternating and finally reading more than I was listening ;)

This morning I started "Emma" on tape, I don't think I own this one so I hope I don't get to the same point or else I will be making a trip to the bookstore :) Speaking of bookstore - I have a bunch of new books on order now with an amazon gift card, I think 7 new books.

Right now I'm reading "the Mermaid Chair" which was a birthday gift from my sister. It's by Sue Monk Kidd, the author of The Secret Life of Bees which I thoroughly enjoyed and this one is keeping my attention just as well. The list of books I HAVE to read is just growing at an enormous rate and I've overgrown my new bookcases again, soon I will be packing up books to go into the basement so I have more room for the books I want to read or reccommend!

As for stitching - I stitched a TINY bit yesterday at work - a little on C of A's Pyn-Pillow and then I worked on the "wrapped" butterfly piece from the last stitcher's hideaway I attended. I started weaving the butterfly and it's going pretty quickly. I may work on that at stitch thursday and maybe tonight too. -- Ah - back to work!

1 comment:

Carol said...

I am too lazy to read - or rather, don't want to give up stitching time to read... but I love the movie!! :-)