Thursday, November 18, 2004

Thursday - Bowling!

Work ends at 3 today and we're all heading over to go bowling and eat pizza until 5. Should be fun - this is not real bowling, this is candlepin? bowling - not my normal thing - and i have no idea what it really is but we'll see, should be fun.

Last night was relaxing - after a day of eating - dealing with a bit of a stomach ache and giving up eating, i had a nice meal at my aunt's and then worked on my quilt. I got my templates cut out of freezer paper and my fabric washed then i worked on quilting my Churndash. This is coming along nicely. Then I went to bed.

Tonight after bowling I'm going to the Subaru dealership to look at cars- Impreza to be exact. I'm actually looking to get a new car because the price doesn't drop that much when driven off the lot on this type of car. Basically it's cheaper for me to get a new one than a used one.

After that - I will go home and work on the website - i MUST! This weekend we have to go live and that's that! So Thur, Fri and Sat are devoted to website work. Saturday will also be time to clean the apartment big time, and thur and fri i will go to the dealership after work hopefully to be buying a car. Speaking of which I can NOT forget to call my bank today or head over in person at lunch.

It sure feels like friday - which is wierd because it's technically only my third day here this week. Next week I will only be here three days.. this month is surely spoiling, how on earth will i get by in December working whole weeks until Christmas!!!
Alright - i'm off to call the bank and email my sister :)

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