Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I was pretty good last night, I actually had to work kind of late so we ordered in dinner and I read 1 more chapter for class, I think i have 2 more to read before I'm caught up for the midterm which is later this month. But i want to actually read more than that so I don't get behind. After eating dinner (of course I stuffed myself) and I wasn't feeling well, so I finally used my treadmill to just walk (usually i just run in the mornings), but I walked a mile and a half, which helped quite a bit.

Unfortunately it was short lived and I ended up feeling sick as soon as I stopped walking, that's two nights in a row after eating dinner I felt sick. So I went to bed early and felt better at 11 when I woke up again. I have no idea what it was, maybe related to the headach I felt coming on, but i took tylenol and that went away so it couldn't have been a migraine.

Anyway - I got a good hour stitching in at lunch yesterday, working on Going To Market still, and I hope to again today. I'm working on the top right corner now, trying to get the right side of the background done a bit. I love this piece!

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