Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Every day closer on Legends :)

I worked on Legends for an hour and a half last night, I'm halfway done backstitching the right side and then I have the top, I have all the whole stitches done in the border. Still leaving the word Wisdom for last. I realized too that I can work on this thursday during the drive home to NY as I can not work on my knitting at all since the family that I'm giving my knitting to will be around :) So I will bring Legends and then start the next ornament I want to stitch which is a little penguin out of the 2004 ornament issue of Just Cross Stitch.

We rented Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night - it sure was strange but I still liked it, made me laugh a few times. Johnny Depp is a great actor. We'll have to buy it for christmas or something, we did buy a few other movies including Robots, Sin City (which we saw, i wasn't a fan of), and another Comedy, one with Ashton Koucher (?sorry can't spell names at all!)

Anyway, I experimented with dinner a bit and made a chicken parm sub for my boyfriend, I stuck to plain chicken sub as I'm not adventerous at all, but he liked it, I made it with frozen chicked strips so it was easy too. Good to have new dinner options!

Tonight I'm on my own, I will be baking a pie to bring to work tomorrow, cleaning up a bit and maybe doing some more backstitching on Legends :) I'd like to have just the word Wisdom left for the drive to NY.

Hopefully I'll get a lunch break today so I can knit, yesterday was too packed, got a free lunch but no break to stitch and we ate during a presentation.
A nice early day - if i get a lot done I can leave by 3:30 and maybe beat SOME of the crazy traffic that will be horrible tonight!

1 comment:

Carol said...

You are really plowing to get LOTD done - and I can't wait to see it!! Have a safe drive, be careful in the snow!!