Wednesday, August 31, 2005

August Recap:

1) Finish the word Magic and backstitch border around magic [YES]
2) Finish Ever So Little Zebra [YES]
3) Start/Finish Ever So Little Lions [Started - not finished]
4) Work on Blackwork Dragon [nope]
5) Start stitching Wisdom [nope]

6) Piece "Trip Around the World" Quilt (machine piece) [YES]
7) Piece Ohio Star #10 and #11 [nope]
8) Quilt Cross Hatch Triangles 3 and 4, unbaste the rest [nope]

9) Work on website - start upgrade [YES]

Not bad considering I only stitched for 11.5 hours this month and quilted for 11 hours. Usually I average closer to 30 hours of stitching monthly - but it was a month of vacations without stitching - i'll do better next month :)

1 comment:

Carol said...

Sometimes vacations are more important than stitching :-) I will be doing Celtic Band Sampler instead of LOTD tonight.... am on a roll - but will be back next Weds on LOTD!