Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A non-eventful evening. I got home after 7pm and my fiance had dinner ready for me. We ate, we watched a Criminal Minds episode. Then he went to the gym while I ran on the treadmill re-watching the last half of davinci code. Then another Criminal Minds when he got home, a Good Eats episode and off to bed to read a little "Princes of Ireland". A nice, relaxing evening, only thing missing was the stitching I was too lazy to get out of my bag.

Tonight I'm headed to my aunt's, hopefully I'll stitch a bit, I don't have to get up so early tomorrow since I'm headed out to babysit in Springfield tomorrow instead of work. I haven't watched such a young child in a long time (few years), and she's only almost 3 months old. I don't know what to expect - but I'm guessing lots of crying since I'm not mommy or daddy :) It might be a long day :) I brought Pride and Prejudice to pop in just in case I need some background noise.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Fiance? Upgraded from boyfriend now? Congratulations!