Thursday, April 13, 2006

7 more hours - until I head to class and then my long weekend! I SO can't wait!

Last night to celebrate my boyfriend's birthday we went out to dinner for steak and ribs and then bought some movies - and rented Narnia (2 dollars to rent for a night). So we watched Narnia, which was a blast - we both remember bits and pieces from when we were kids and they really did a good job with it. I dont' know that I ever read the books but I used to watched the cartoon version of it and this seemed to follow that pretty well.

To add the cherry on top - my last homework assignment was due last night - so homework for my class is over! Now it's just preparing for the final which honestly I don't have to do much for if the midterm is anything to go by. Only 2 more weeks and I'll be done with it!

I hope this weekend to work more on Going To Market and I will post a picture update next week. I'm saving monday (my birthday) as a day to do nothing specific, maybe go look at some apartments, but nothing major! I can't contain my excitement :)

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