Saturday, April 14, 2007

Ebay - and Magazines

Well I have finally made the move to do some selling on ebay. I was going to start packing up my closet and I looked up to my top shelf and saw all the magazines I moved out here with me that I have not touched in 3 years!

So I've decided to go through them and if I don't find more than 1 pattern I'd stitch I'm adding it to the sell pile. I'm giving ebay a try - I've uploaded some small groups of magazines, they're expensive to ship (heavy) though so I'm doing Flat Rate Priority. This is all new to me.. .we'll see how it goes.

I was thinking I'd list a few on my blog as well, especially ones that don't group well. Going through these takes forever though!

If you're interested in looking at my auctions - my username is "groudn" on ebay!

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