And Friday is almost over...
I can't wait to leave - 10 more minutes and i'm bustin out of here. My boyfriend showed up last night - surprised me, unfortunately I wasn't feeling well and was about to go to sleep, he took me for a quick ride in his new car though and then I went to sleep :) No problem getting up this morning and getting to work on time but still haven't felt well all day - seems to be a normal thing now - monthly almost.
So I got the apartment cleaned yesterday and grocery shopping done - all set with everything and settled down to have some ice cream and felt sick - couldnt' eat it. So I read for a bit and started falling asleep - that's when my boyfriend called (as I was shutting off the lights).
This weekend should be good - mom should be at my place when I get there, she hasn't called yet though, and tonight we'll relax, cook dinner, chat. Tomorrow we can go to JoAnn's, ACMoore and a cross stitch shop and quilt shop too if we drive over to Arlington later on. THen she's headed to my sister's for dinner so we'll probably go to Home Depot and get the stuff to finish painting the bedroom so that will be done so we can move furniture next weekend while painting the diningroom.
4 minutes to go! Too bad there's nothing really to do at work - but next week should pick up, I'm starting to get more responsibility, and I would have work if i had a certain tool installed on my computer which I don't and can't get done today - no one is around. But hopefully monday it will all be taken care of. Well I"m off - closing up and outta here!
Friday, July 30, 2004
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Didn't realize i forgot to blog...
About the weekend that is... Last weekend was packed. I came home friday and my boyfriend and I painted the dark green in the livingroom and hallway. Then we drove out to see a movie, it was sold out, went to home depot instead for paint for the diningroom and then back - ended up just going to bed.
Saturday we put the second coat of the dark green on, then cleared out the bedroom and started to prime in there. Got almost done and found water damage that the paint wasnt' covering, stopped priming (need to buy more anyway) and tried calling the landlord - no answer. Decided to be done for the day, and headed up to NH to buy furniture.
So we already knew what couch/loveseat set we wanted but with our luck it had been discontinued as of the week before! IT would have cost only 1000, instead our next cheapest choice was 1500 - so we searched and finally found a leather set we liked, but it cost 1800 -- we also bought coffee table, end tables and a rug - 2500 total. But now we have to wait a week and a half to get it all.
So then we went to my uncle's house, played with the kids, stayed up playing video games with my uncle and headed home in the morning. We got home to find out the diningroom ceiling fan was leaking water onto our new table! So we cleaned it up, thankfully no damage and got a hold of the landlord. He fixed the problem upstairs (the neighbors up there had been messing with the toilet and really messed things up for him). He said he'd replace the fan later after it dried out. It hasn't leaked since luckily. So we basically did nothing after that.
Sunday night I worked, monday i worked, then came home and worked (website). I also planted some of my plants, then tuesday work, then worked at home then today work. But tonight I'm going to dinner and a movie with my aunt and uncle because my cousin is at girl scout camp. A little over an hour left to go. Hopefully I can finish the document I'm reviewing before I leave, that's my goal.
So tomorrow night is cleaning then friday night my mom is going to be here to visit, saturday we'll hang out and do something that I haven't come up with yet and then she's heading to my sister's to visit. My boyfriend got his new car on monday so i can't wait to take a ride in that (it's a used 1998 Audi A6). He's been enjoying it, showing it to everyone, even my family already.
The picture of the project for Stitcher's Hideaway was posted today - I love it! I can not wait until November to go! I'm taking Friday off as a floating holiday to go. It's going to cost me 380 total plus any stash i buy on top of that. But I love the design and it's a great experience, i am so excited about it right now, i'm sending my deposit in friday. Now I just need to budget out my money, with this new furniture, i need to get paid for my work on the website soon.
So that's my long and rambly update - no stitching to update, been busy working on the website since there's currently no deadlines close by.. but soon i'll have more RR's to finish up. So now i'm off to check my email and get back to my document!
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Friday, July 23, 2004
It's been a long week...
Training this week has gone well, unfortunately it takes up the whole day, running late mostly and we've been getting only half hour breaks which means I've gotten to the gym only once this week (Tuesday). Today's I'm guessing is going to run late but hopefully I can still get out of here by 4 and get to the post office and home to tape up the ceilings to paint.
Tuesday night went well babysitting, my aunt and uncle actually took the baby with them to dinner and a movie so I had the two older monsters (2 1/2 and 4 1/2), we had a great time, we played outside then came in and had dinner and watched a scoobie doo episode before reading and going to bed. I fell asleep waiting for the little one to fall asleep and woke up at 9:15 and they were both sound asleep.
Wednesday night I went to my other aunt and uncle's house for dinner and we just relaxed afterwards. Since I had to work late I didn't even get there until 6:30.
Then last night, I left around 5, went to walmart, that took forever and I finally got home at 7:30! Then I cleaned the apartment and at 9 settled in to watch tv and fall asleep. Pretty boring lately, no stitching or anything and this weekend looks as though it will be packed with painting, furniture shopping, maybe a movie and working on the website sunday night probably. Speaking of furniture I'm off to see what deals are going on to decide where we should go!
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Stitching something completely new to me...
That's right, last night I started stitching on Mercedes' Round Robin piece which is a band sampler. So far everyone has chosen their own patterns and used the hand dyed floss to make everything come together, it's beautiful. I'm the last to stitch on it and I already had the pattern chosen (from Carol). Well of course the colors called for are DMC and Anchor, so I went through the GAST and SSS to find some colors to substitute and started on the house last night. This is all new, the threads and just choosing colors. I will actually have to buy some colors, probably some SSS to finish it, I need more yellows and maybe some greens but I'm loving this whole idea.
So, as you may be able to tell, i finished the other RR I was working on, sunday night I put in the last whirls and posted a pick in my album before mailing it out yesterday. The rest of the weekend I didn't do much besides watch movies and just relax with my boyfriend but sunday night was quite busy, besides stitching I also unpacked, baked bran muffins, cooked dinner and baked brownies. Unlike last night where I got home, went through my mail and stuff, then sat down to stitch until about 8, then i packed and just watched a movie.
I'm babysitting my 3 cousins tonight, really looking forward to it, but that means if I go to my other uncle's tomorrow night I won't be home until thursday night so i had a lot of packing to do. Plus thursday I will have a lot of prep to do so we can paint on friday, including just cleaning the apartment and going to home depot. Luckily friday is another pay day :)
Well - today should be a good day, got some reading to do and a few meetings, and i gotta get to the gym !!!
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Friday, July 16, 2004
Fridays are the hardest...
Well this week has gone well, unfortunately fridays always drag because i look forward so much to just starting the weekend. I'm heading to my boyfriend's for the weekend after work today, going to be a long drive with traffic but i'm really looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and sunday.
Yesterday I actually stayed an hour later at work than I had planned but we were in the middle of getting some tests run and we wanted to get the system set up to run tests over night. But that means I don't feel guilty about leaving today at the normal time.
I have been stitching a bit each night, almost finished now with the Round Robin, I have a few swirls in the november block left to stitch then it will be all set to mail out on monday if i can find the post office somewhere near work.
So next week hopefully I will have some time to get some painting done but it's looking doubtful, I'm so tired when I get home I hardly have energy enough to stitch or read. 4 hours to go - that's keeping me going now :)
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Finally back to regular work...
Well last night after a long day of working with no break at all, i finally started working on the website again. I did manage to also get an hour of stitching in. Now the October Snapper is completely finished and the November one is started (I stitched the border line). I actually have to find all the floss for that one still.
Tonight I plan on doing the same thing, working on the website then stitching some more. I do want to go to the gym today however. That's right yesterday I was so busy that i didn't go to the gym or eat lunch, i basically had a few cookies throughout the day and my morning oatmeal. But I did make a dinner for myself. Today will be different, i brough tuna for lunch and I'll go to the gym at 11:30. So for now I'm off to the lab to finish what I started yesterday hopefully. FIrst breakfast :)
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Monday, July 12, 2004
A very busy weekend...
Friday night after work, my boyfriend and I started the process of painting the livingroom, this included a lot of taping. Luckily I think it was 10:30 when we finally finished painting a coat of primer on all 4 walls in there. By then my sister and her boyfriend had showed up so we cleaned up and played poker until 1. Saturday we all slept in then I made a big breakfast before getting ready for a day in boston.
My aunt, uncle and cousins all showed up at 1 and we went in to boston, quincy market, boston common etc. Walked around, ate and let the kids try to have fun with us tied to them pretty much. It was a good day but exhausting for sure! When we got back at 8 we were all so tired we took a nap for an hour before ordering some dinner and playing more poker.
Sunday was more painting, we got 3 walls in the livingroom completely finished and the hallway is now primed so the next step is to paint the last livingroom wall and hallway the darker green. Next weekend maybe - unless I go home.
And now i'm back to work, hopefully my day goes by fast - like thursday and friday last week - spent completely in the lab hence no posts. And i'm off to the lab already :)
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Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Already Wednesday...
And it's almost time to go to the gym too. The mornings don't take too long to pass by even without work.
So last night I sanded the walls of the livingroom, what i could reach anyway with the footstool. Then I started working on the new Round robin that's due in 2 weeks (less if i want to mail it on time). Hopefully it won't take too long, i seemed to make good progress on it in just an hour and a half last night.
Tonight I'm headed to my aunt and uncle's house for the night, brought my stitching in case we relax and watch tv again. Thursday after work I will do a trip to walmart and acmoore and then clean the apartment all in preperation for this weekend.
That's it I guess, not much going on in my life, time to go work out - leg day today !
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Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Nice long weekend...
Well Friday went fast, i actually had work, i worked in the lab all day actually, it was great. Then when I got home my boyfriend was there already, so we just relaxed all night long. Saturday we went to home depot and bought paint for the apartment and my boyfriend worked on getting the internet to work but i still have to make a call to comcast about that. Then at 5 we headed up to my uncle's house to hang out.
Saturday night we just played poker and hung out. Sunday we actually slept in and then got ready for the bbq. Around 2 or so everyone showed up and we started up the bbq, ate, relaxed, i fell asleep on benadryl, everyone else pretty much played foosball. Then after dark we did fireworks and then headed home.
Yesterday was a day of relaxation, slept late, then my boyfriend left around noon and i just cross stitched most of the day. I actually stitched for 8 hours. In between I managed to bake bran muffins, cook dinner and make some tuna for lunch today. But mostly i stitched. I finished the round robin i was working on finally, with an accumulation of 26 hours of work into it. After that it was already 10 so i just went online then read and went to bed. Maybe tonight i'll start the other round robin i have that's due in less than two weeks now. Better getta move on since i want to do two months like everyone else not just one which may end up happening.
So we'll see how today goes, unfortunately this morning has shown no work but maybe someone's in the lab that i can chill out in there. First i think i'll have some breakfast. Yummy muffins ---
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Thursday, July 01, 2004
2 more days of work...
Today is going to drag, i can tell, i've already eaten more than i normally do and it isn't ten am yet.
Yesterday was great, I worked in the lab most of the day. At noon I went and worked out and then did a few laps in the pool instead of shower. After work I went to my aunt and uncle's and we went to the highschool and kicked the soccer ball at my cousin who is practicing to be a goalie, and i walked 2 miles with my aunt. After that we made dinner, ate, baked cookies and relaxed until 11. I even got some stitching in. Then I slept wonderfully and woke up :( at 6 and left before anyone else was even up.
On the RR I am now ready to stitch the 2, that will leave the 3 and 4 till I'm done. I'd say that I am almost 2/3 of the way done now, not quite but almost and tonight after I clean and maybe make some pudding for my boyfriend i'll stitch some more. I also want to replant some of my herbs so I can see how they do and then buy another planter for the others. My basil and thyme will both each need a large planter, not sure yet how the parsley or oregano will do, they're still small.
I am tired that's for sure, saturday i am sleeping in!!! So I just have to get through 2 days of work and i've got almost 3 hours of today done, i actually can leave by 5 today because i was in at 7. Alright - guess it's back to the message board.
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