Something was up with blogger yesterday - couldn't read em, couldn't write em.
Anyhow - I got to stitch a little on Peace and Quiet before class monday night, I start the feel like i'm getting close to done and then realize there's a bunch of stuff to the right of the bathtub, but not too much. I am waiting for the Whisper thread from SB&B now, i bought a blue, i think i'm going to do blue towels instead of white so they'll show up better.
Unfortunately the fabric doesn't at all show up in the scan, but it's pink and bluish with sparkles, kind of bubblegum i think.
I have changed out a few colors, the purple towel was supposed to be pink and i've changed the candle's colors, basically i'm not stitching the pinks, changing them for purple and blues. I just like em better that way :)
So I have more homework due next monday, this one is a programming assignment, i read through it last night and it actually seems pretty reasonable, hopefully tonight i can get a start on it, maybe get the first half done and friday night maybe MAYBE finish... or else saturday at the latest. We'll see.
I started burning dvds last night - by this i mean backing up the stuff from my desktop onto dvd so some of my 120 GB hard drive would be free again (yes i actually filled 120 GB drive). I think i'm down to 40 GB free now. It's wierd when my 60GB laptop has more space than my desktop but i'm working on getting it off now and backing everything up now that i have a dvd burner. Burning CDs was just useless with that much data.
And the decision has been made, it looks like even though we only watch 2 shows total prime time, they are both on at the same time! So I will be watching House over Gilmore Girls and hopefully catching Gilmore Girls by taping or something (of course my vcr is broken - go figure). But House won last night and we thoroughly enjoyed it.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
I got my homework done :) That doesn't sound like much but oh man!
This weekend was crazy, friday night I went over to a friend's and we feasted to celebrate the solstice. Saturday I went to western MA to go to a baby shower, then I met up with my sister for dinner. That night I was exhausted from all the driving so I did pretty much nothing :)
Sunday however was a busy day ... I got up, got the grocery shopping done and then started on homework - after 5 hours I had gotten it all done except for 1 question I had skipped, then I ran on the treadmill and ate dinner, then got out my work (from work work) and worked on that for 2 hours. Amazingly I got inspired and then figured out the last question for my homework so by 9:30 I had it all done! It felt great and I got to read for a whole hour (by read i mean read something fun not schoolwork) :)
And it feels good to come in to work monday and have all my work done for both work and class, ready to go!
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
Wow, thank you for all the comments. Unfortunately getting 5 pieces framed is only a small dent in my pile. Plus Legends which has a frame is still waiting to be put in it :) It was laced on and ready to go but the board doesn't fit inside the frame, it's a metal frame and the board and glass I had cut just don't fit. I haven't yet figured out what I'm going to do about it.
I did a little homework last night, mostly getting some readings done so I can work on it tonight. Hopefully tonight I'll have a good start on the assignment and I won't feel bad taking tomorrow night off.
Well work is really picking up, hopefully it stays this way (been bored lately). And today at lunch i get to stitch! It's going to be a good work day i can tell!
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I actually stitched last night...
I got home, I made dinner, I relaxed for a while and at 8 when House came on I grabbed my stitching and stitched for about 2 hours! It's been so long! I should have done homework but I rationalized with myself that I would work on my homework Wednesday and Thursday night this week so I got to work on Just a Little Peace and Quiet. It's really a pretty small piece and I'm not almost done but I'm about halfway which is great considering how little I've worked on it :)
Today was yoga at lunch so no stitching but Thur and Fri at lunch I hope to work on Peaceful Silhouette. Then this weekend after the baby shower my goal is to finish my homework and then start on the quilt blocks that I have, maybe getting them pieced so I can start the embroidery this week. So much to do and so very very little time!
Homework .. must focus tonight.. two weeks i will have homework then i will have a week off and then homework again. The homeworks are tough, and that doesn't include keeping up with reading (which i'm not already) :)
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Monday, September 18, 2006
What a weekend!
First we went to my uncle's saturday and I gave my cousin her dress, she LOVED it - truly. And she looked like such a princess in it. I have a picture but for her own privacy I cropped it so you can just see the dress but it looks better on someone than on a hanger so here it is:
Sunday was a really great day, we went out to our breakfast place, I cleaned the apartment (it's been a while!) Then we went shopping and I got some frames. After watching a movie (Birth which I don't really recommend, it was really bothersome at some points), I started framing a bunch of pieces... here are the results!
Blackwork Dragon on Wandering Ivy linen - framed with glass.
Kingdom Sampler framed with glass:
Going To Market framed with glass:
It's Winter framed without glass, and with batting to make it puffy:
Green Old Gardens, framed without glass, with batting:
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Friday, September 15, 2006
Strange day... so it's late blogging :)
So Thursday night my friends and I all went to the airport to meet our friend and her new baby! It was very exciting and I felt so honored to be there. The baby is beautiful, happy and just perfect! And my friend and her husband are just ecstatic!
Unfortunately the plane was delayed and arrived after midnight, i didn't get home until 2am.. which is very late for me, I still managed to get up and make it in to work by 8 but by noon i was crashing so I left at 1:30 to go home and take a nap. I woke up at 6 and started working again and things are going well. I'm just waiting for dinner to arrive and then i can get a little more work done.
I hope to end the night taking care of adding fray check to the princess dress and wrapping it. We're going up to my uncle's tomorrow for the day and then i'm hoping to get some cleaning and sewing done on sunday...
sewing... BOM 3 arrived already and i haven't started 2! So i must get on that! Oh goody - chinese food is here!
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Finally an update to Peaceful Silhouette. I've been working on the darkest color which is full stitches and takes longer than all the shaded colors which are half stitches. I do want to get this done for my boyfriend for graduation next year so i may have to start calling this my focus piece sometimes :)
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Thank you thank you thank you for all the wonderful comments on the dress! What an honor. As difficult and time consuming as it was it was also fun and I'm pretty proud of it. I can't wait to get a picture of my cousin wearing it.
The class I'm taking is Fundamentals of Networking. I'm getting my masters in Computer Science concentrated in Networking and to do that I have to take pretty much all networking courses. The funny part is that my job is a network programmer, but I don't have the background knowledge, i just learn quickly so I'm already doing most of what i will learn but this way the class is easier :)
I'll post a WIP update in a second...
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
hmm, i think lately has been a blogging slump for me, my mornings are just busy busy and my evenings are too busy to do any stitching so I don't have anything to show anyway. Well maybe things will start to settle down with this weekend, but now i have homework :(
My class went well last night, I'm looking forward to it in general, i will have 5 homework assignments and 2 exams and lots of reading that is optional which means I will of course do it.
The baking is continuing, I'm trying to bake 3 batches of cookies for my close friend who comes home thursday and then make a mud pie as well. So far I have 1 batch done, 1 batch mixed. Tonight I hope to finish the cookies and figure out the effort required for the mud pie if not make it.
Is it only tuesday? Wow it feels like friday, tomorrow night i will be relaxing at my uncle's house for the evening, maybe getting some reading for class done. Thursday is a mini stitch and then a trip to the airport to see my friend who comes home quick.
Well, it's almost time to get going - thank goodness, i need a normal night, with pasta for dinner!
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1 musings
Monday, September 11, 2006
And the dress is just about finished.. after 20 hours of sewing this weekend (and yes it did wear me out completely), here it is:
It was a long weekend, Friday night I was up till 2am piecing the hot pink top, then saturday I had gotten the sleeves and collar on and was starting the skirt, my friend came over and chatted while I sewed the lining to the skirt pieces, then I finished the night adding horsehair to the bottom of the skirt.
So up sunday i started by hemming each skirt piece by hand (which took a good 4 hours watching movies). Finally I'm ready to piece it all, no small task but progress can be seen. The zipper task fell about 6pm (after 2 hours putting the skirt and dress together). Finally it's basically done and all I have left is to add trimmings (3 snaps and 2 hook and eyes). I started the hooks but my headache prevailed and I decided with just a few things to sew on by hand I could put it off till later in the week.
So there the dress is pretty much done. I want to get some fray check this week and treat all the seams with it and cut the frays off so it looks neater. Then saturday it will be presented in all it's glory to the little 5 yr old princess, my cousin :)
Tonight I start my class up - so no stitching, especially since I have a lunch time dentist appointment. I will try to get an update to Peaceful S. tomorrow on the scanner. Until then it's work and then class and then more baking...
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Friday, September 08, 2006
Wow it has not been a good blogging week for me! Work hasn't even been as crazy as it was last week so I don't know what's going on.
So last weekend we camped, through the rain but managed to stay pretty dry and have a good time. I didn't get any stitching done but last night at stitch I worked on Celtic Banner and got two more letters done (n and o ).
This weekend I will be sewing a Sleeping Beauty Dress all weekend probably and I plan to have pictures monday. Plus monday i will update my Peaceful Silhouette picture as I worked on that a little at lunch time a few times this week.
Okay - got to finish up some things now so i can head home in an hour!
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1 musings
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Back from camping - and yes we did camp through the rain ... I'll write more tomorrow, just finishing up a long work day and want to get out of here to meet my boyfriend for dinner :)
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Friday, September 01, 2006
I'm alive - but not very - working too hard :) I figured I'd set my september goals at the very least before getting back to work (been working for 11 hours straight so i'm a little worn out).
September goals:
1) Finish BOM 2 (quilt)
2) Work on Peaceful Silhouette (finish posts/bird)
3) Work on Peace and Quiet (finish tub)
4) Work on Celtic Banner (finish through 'u')
5) Make princess dress for cousin's birthday
I think i'll leave it at that, i have my class starting up and I don't want to get too crazy.
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