Monday, December 01, 2008

December! I never even made a goal list for november - good thing since it's already over!

We had a good thanksgiving, my husband got free box seat tickets to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra Wednesday night so we went to that show. Then did the drive back to NY after the show (arriving at 2am!). It worked out well though because we didn't miss out on any Thanksgiving day activities (baking and games).

The holidays were mostly relaxing but we were very happy to get home Saturday night and have all day Sunday to relax at home (Lord of the Rings style). I got some quilting on my amish quilt done and started a new book.

Now it's time to get into the xmas mood, we need to buy gifts and get decorating! I also have some things I'd like to make so I'm hoping this coming weekend is very productive!

December Goals:
1) Finish Leslie's NRR
2) Finish cross hatch triangle 3 on Amish quilt
3) Kit up baby sampler and wedding samplers for January starts
4) Make mini quilts for gifts

I can't see fitting much else in.

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