Projects Finished in 2008:
3/17/08 - Deb's NRR
5/30/08 - Wendy's NRR
6/24/08 - Hardanger for Ring Bearer Pillow
7/26/08 - Glenna's NRR
10/20/08 - Marie's NRR
10/21/08 - Long Leggz Scary Carrie
1/08 - Black and White hat for mom
1/08 - Black and White scarf for mom
1/08 - Multicolor hat for mom
1/08 - Multicolor scarf for mom
2/6/08 - Green scarf for me
4/6/08 - White Lamb for coworker baby
10/25/08 - Grey shorts for coworker baby
1/08 - Flannel Robe for dad
Georgia's Flower Girl dress
3/16/08 - Maia's Flower Girl Dress
4/15/08 - Chloe's Flower Girl Dress
6/15/08 - Tori's Flower Girl Dress
7/13/08 - Hem Maid of Honor Dress
7/15/08 - Emily's Flower Girl Dress
7/27/08 - Bustle and Hem Wedding Dress
8/9/08 - Hem 4 flower girl dresses
8/9/09 - Ring Bearer Pillow
8/10/08 - Veil
10/15/08 - Zombie Costume for Georgia
10/22/08 - Giselle Dress for Chloe
10/27/08 - Jasmine Costume for Maia
11/24/08 - Pieced quilt blocks for sister's wedding quilt
12/6/08 - Craft Apron for Georgia
12/6/08 - Craft Apron for Chloe
12/9/09 - Craft Apron for Maia
12/21/08 - Craft Apron for Emily
12/21/08 - Craft Apron for Tori
12/21/08 - Puppy jacket for Jovi
Wedding Crafts:
Pearl Necklaces (5 for bridesmaids)
Pearl Earrings (5 for bridesmaids)
Shower Thank you cards (50)
Wedding Invites (120)
Pearl Bracelets (3 for moms)
Guest Book
8/18/08 - Wedding Necklace - chain with pearls and crystals
8/23/08 - Wedding Earrings - pearls and crystals
8/23/08 - Wedding Pearl Necklace
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2008 Goals Wrapup
Let's see how this year went compared to how I had planned it ...
1) Celtic Banner - work on page 3 [nope]
2) Add beads/finish Shepherd's Purse [nope]
3) Finish Celebrations piece (from 2007) [nope]
4) Hardanger piece for Ring Bearer pillow [YUP!]
1) Finish embroidery on Leanne's Quilt [nope]
2) Piece Leanne's Quilt [nope]
3) Quilt/bind table runner [nope]
1) Knit scarves for mom (2) (JANUARY) [YUP]
2) Knit lamb for coworker [YUP]
1) Sew bath robe for dad's birthday [YUP]
2) Make ring bearer pillow [YUP]
3) Make 5 flower girl dresses for wedding [YUP]
4) Make 5 Necklaces/Earrings for bride's maids [YUP]
5) Make veil, with beading [YUP - no beading though]
6) Decorate gifts for wedding [not sure what this means]
This past year was very different than planned. I basically did no stitching except for the neighborhood Round Robin and one halloween piece which was after the wedding. I did a lot of sewing though including 3 halloween costumes for my cousins and the 5 aprons for xmas and the puppy jacket for xmas. I also pulled out the Amish quilt and started quilting on it again.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Xmas Sewing completed! I finished the 2 other aprons the weekend before xmas as planned, they are both in Dora fabric and the pockets are embroidered in the girls' names.Then my new niece Jovi got an embroidered fleece jacket which she of course loved. This isn't her best picture but it's the only one I have with the jacket on her. She's a puggle (pug/beagle mix) and the most adorable creature in the world.
Our holidays were great, we went home to visit family xmas eve, did the normal xmas day extravaganza. Then came back to NH friday night, then the extended family xmas was Sat-Sunday.
Then Sunday we went to look at a house we're interested in (updates to come on that after we see where it goes!).
Monday, December 15, 2008
More xmas craft progress!
Pictures soon! I have now completed 3 of the 5 aprons for xmas gifts. This weekend I spent at my sisters' house teaching her how to use her sewing machine, we made curtains for her new bathroom and a dog bed for her puppy.
When I got home last night, after cleaning, I finally got to settle in and do some of my own sewing. I made the inner block for the two Amish quilt block gifts I'm making. They took about an hour to cut and piece the two blocks. Now I just need to add borders and quilt them. They are very cute and most of the points even came out :)
This week I hope to make the two other aprons and maybe get the borders on the blocks so I can get those quilted next weekend. Going to be a busy week, possible in-laws coming next weekend so I need to clean and organize and do some decorating too! Yikes!
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Christmas is coming! And that means sewing!!!
I spent last weekend trying to get into the holiday mood craft wise. I decided on some gift ideas that I can use my new machine for! For each kid (there are 5 - they were all flower girls too!) I am making a craft apron and buying craft supplies (each different crafts).
So I went to Joann's Saturday and got some fabric, prompty washed it and Sunday I set out to making the first 3. 2 of them I completed by Sunday night, the 3rd is almost done, just need to pick up more D-Rings. The 4th and 5th are not yet started (actually need to get some fabric for the 5th!).These are the two in child size large. I have two mediums (1 almost done) and 1 small to do. I am very excited, I'm embroidering the names on the pockets and using my fancy stitching along the top of the pocket on the pink ones. The Soccer one got red bias tape instead. I also used silver metallic thread on the pink ones which is something my old machine could not handle!
After these little things are done I have some ideas for a single Amish Quilt block that I plan to make for 4 people on my xmas list. I bought the fabric (they may be different colors each) and I'm really looking forward to making the miniature wall hangings.
This coming weekend I'm off to my sister's house to teach her how to use her sewing machine and help her make curtains (as well as play with the puppy!). That gives me the weekend before xmas to SEW some more! Plus each evening I can squeeze it in!
Monday, December 01, 2008
December! I never even made a goal list for november - good thing since it's already over!
We had a good thanksgiving, my husband got free box seat tickets to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra Wednesday night so we went to that show. Then did the drive back to NY after the show (arriving at 2am!). It worked out well though because we didn't miss out on any Thanksgiving day activities (baking and games).
The holidays were mostly relaxing but we were very happy to get home Saturday night and have all day Sunday to relax at home (Lord of the Rings style). I got some quilting on my amish quilt done and started a new book.
Now it's time to get into the xmas mood, we need to buy gifts and get decorating! I also have some things I'd like to make so I'm hoping this coming weekend is very productive!
December Goals:
1) Finish Leslie's NRR
2) Finish cross hatch triangle 3 on Amish quilt
3) Kit up baby sampler and wedding samplers for January starts
4) Make mini quilts for gifts
I can't see fitting much else in.