Monday, September 22, 2008

Now that the honeymoon has been fully documented, it's back to real life. And mostly by real life that means working - and working - and working some more :(

I'm feeling horrible because I'm behind on the Neighborhood Round Robin - it's supposed to be mailed out by Oct 1st and I haven't started!!! I picked out a house and thread last night but was too tired to work on it :( I need to get cracking - I only have this week!

In other stitchy news - I've been knitting here and there and I finally finished the actual knitting on the baby shorts for a coworker that had his baby before the wedding. I now need to block them, sew them together then add the elastic - this is all new to me! But that's not too bad considering how busy I've been lately (I knitted mostly on the plane ride back from Hawaii!).

Also - Happy Mabon! For a Mabon celebration (thanksgiving) my friend came up Friday night and we had pork tenderloin (roasted in bacon!), with mashed potatoes etc... it was yummy! Then we decided to celebrate we would both start a Halloween design - so I picked one of the new patterns I got for my bridal shower - Long Leggz: Scary Carrie by Lavender Wings. Stitching a bit this weekend has gotten my stitching mojo going and I'm ready to start the neighborhood round robin I'm behind on.

I hope to post a picture soon of Long Leggz - she's fun and she's on purple fabric! Now I just need to get back into quilting and I'll feel normal again - but first - I may have some halloween costumes to sew up in October!

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

I've just been catching up on your blog. Congratulations on your marriage, sounds like you had a great day, and a wonderful honeymoon.