Friday, August 07, 2009


I haven't seriously worked out in over a year now. After the wedding craziness and the weight I lost on the honeymoon I wasn't in bad shape weight wise but this spring when I started trying to run outside I realized how out of shape I was - from the itching!

It turns out there's some condition that occurs in some people when they are out of shape - I'm susceptible because of my allergies and such anyway. So when I run or exercise hard and the blood is released into my muscles - it makes me itch -uncontrollably! I was allergic to exercise essentially!!!

So i did some research and the recommendation I found was to work up to running by walking. I've never been a big walker, it just wasn't much exercise for me - but I did it - 40 min a day for a couple days a week. Sometimes getting two walks in a day. I gave myself a goal that if I worked out 4 days a week for 4 weeks in a row I could get a massage. Now it's been since May that I made that goal and next week I'll finally hit 4 weeks in a row! But that doesn't mean I haven't been working out, just not as consistently as I wanted.

AND - as of yesterday - I can finally run! with no itching! I went for my walk and instantly just "wanted" to run, my body wanted it - so I did! My legs are a little sore today but I'm hoping to run again today! This will be a record week if I keep it up - since I hit 4 days yesterday (and I've been doing 2 walks a day a lot in the last few weeks).

So I'm back in physical shape enough to start really getting in shape and I'm very excited I just had to document it somewhere. There is hope and if I keep up the exercise I hope to get in good shape before winter laziness sets in :)

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