Monday, October 01, 2007

September Goal Wrapup:

1) Finish Leanne's block 7 [YUP!]
2) Finish Neighborhood RR block and mail [YUP!]
3) Finish Leanne's block 8 [nope]
4) Finish piecing Leanne's block 9 [nope]
I also sewed both a skirt for myself and the pirate costume for my young cousin (just turning 8).

I'd say not a bad month considering it was such a busy one work wise!
And now for some new goals: (or more of the same :)

1) Stitch Bine's NRR and mail (I want to get this to Leslie early so she has time before the baby comes!)
2) Finish piecing Leanne's block 9
3) Sew the singer costume for other cousin
4) Start embroidery on block 8


Gina said...

I'm ashamed of I don't have an out of the house job and I don't get as much sewing done as you!

The Silver Thistle said...

How exciting to find another Leanne's house person! I'm NOT a quilter by any means but the colours and embroidery just called to me so I'm giving it a whirl.

You're making a super job of yours!