Friday, January 20, 2006

Class - well with the second class finished, things are looking pretty good, no assignment due next week like originally planned as the assignment hasn't been decided yet. I do have a lot of reading to do however and a few programs to install so i'm ready to do the assignment when it comes.

I stitched a little on Going To Market yesterday at lunch again, worked some more on the woman's dress. Today it looks like we are going out to lunch so I won't have a stitching break but maybe tonight I can work on it a bit.

Going back home tomorrow to celebrate my parents' birthdays so tonight I have to shop on the way home real quick for gifts and then clean the apartment a bit as it's been a long time :) That way sunday when we're back I can just relax! Oh the weekend ...


Kim said...

Have a great weekend! :D

Carol said...

Hi Nicki - Jeanette Douglas' Autumn and Winter samplers are up today on the Celebrations website :-) I love them both, but how about the Winter one?? The other looks too much like a mini version of Mystic, you are right!!