Thursday, September 08, 2005

I'm not a huge fan of my dentist - well I have two dentists, one I like and the other I really don't like very much. I've never had much done to my teeth, a cleaning every 6 months and that's about it, no braces, fillings etc.
Last year when I moved here I had to find a new dentist, and I did, a woman. Well her practice also has a male doctor, for the sake of this I'll call the woman Dr. Y and the man Dr. X.
First appointment - after my cleaning Dr. X comes in, I was a little surprised but whatever it's a dentist, he takes a look at my teeth - notices I have all my wisdom teeth in (they are all in and they came in when I was around 17 - they made room for themselves, came in straight and have caused no problems). He says "You should really have your wisdom teeth pulled" and proceeded to give me a LECTURE about how bad it is to keep wisdom teeth. a LECTURE - not on flossing/brushing - but on just HAVING my teeth!
I was a bit annoyed and I'm a freak when it comes to pain/needles that kind of thing, so I said there was no way I would consider it without any problems.

Second appointment, Dr. Y comes in - no problems - nothing.

Third appointment (today), Dr. X again - ugg - I got x-rays, before he even looks at me he looks at those - "Hmm.... you have your wisdom teeth, we should really get those out of there" me:"umm.. nope, you said that last time and it's not happening" dr x: "i'm going to say something every time until they're gone" - I gave him kind of a look and the matter was dropped, then he proceeded to more pertinent things like how I don't floss enough and eat too much sugar - that's nice - I'll floss more (*smirk*) - i think i may have rolled my eyes a bit too. So I do vow to floss more, actually I already have vowed to do that and recently invested in a large supply of floss because everytime I try to floss every night for a period of time I run out of floss and give up.

Result: I will be requesting Dr. Y at my next appointment if at all possible. What is the problem - I have wisdom teeth - I brush them, I *will* floss more - there is nothing wrong with them - why cause pain and possible infection to get them pulled for no reason - IF and WHEN they need to be pulled that's fine - what if it never happens - or if I die before it needs to happen (note I have no plans on dieing until I'm well over 80 but who knows, life is life)... I don't want to put myself through that for NO REASON! My mom still has 2 of hers and only got the other 2 pulled in her 30's.
On top of that I HATE pushy doctors - as you can tell, he leaves me kind of stressed out and I am a bit peeved now. I need to go relax, maybe a short walk and then it's back to work. Luckily it's a stitch night tonight so that will be very relaxing!

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