Monday, June 06, 2005

An Awesome weekend with some stitching too!!!

First, check out this progress on Legends, I pretty much finished the border around Majesty and just started Magic last night:

I quilted a little last night, I wanted to quilt more but it was too darn hot to hold a quilt in my lap with my light over my shoulder. I have a picture though of the center part quilted now:

The green border on the left is the one I started on and I have the top two pumpkin seeds done on that and most of the zig-zag is finished on that strip.

What a weekend! The weather was amazing! I don't remember much of Friday night, I was pretty out of it, I felt like I had a cold coming on so I cuddled up behind my boyfriend on the couch and went to sleep while he watched tv. Saturday we drove all the way back to NY (not city but upstate), to his bank to deposit his check, then back, we were home by 2:30 - that was 5 hours driving - which gave me about 4 hours stitching!! That was Legends progress right there.

We had the rest of Saturday to kill so we went to the library and got some movies to watch and some language tapes, with a commute for both of us this summer we thought we might try to learn Italian on tape at the same time. We'll see how it goes. I haven't started yet because I'm in the middle of a book right now but he is starting today.

Sunday we got up and went running (bonus), then we both worked, he brought home work and I worked on the website finishing up a bunch of tasks I had to do. Around 2 we were feeling like we accomplished a ton so we decided to go out to the park. It was 83 degrees or so, it was hot! We went to the local park and put down a blanket, he worked more and I stitched for a while and then read. Even got a bit of a tan on my shoulders.

What do you do after a hot day in the park?? We got ice cream :) I love warm weather. I spent the rest of the night relaxing, stitching a bit, quilting a bit. I would rate this weekend as excellent. The only thing that could have been better is not having to drive for 5 hours but what can you do??


Carol said...

Hi Nikki - Sorry to be responding so late in the day, I took the day off :-) I love your progress on Legends - Majesty looks fantastic!!

Melissa G. said...

Very pretty dragon you have there - I love the overdyed colors you chose for your border! And nice to find another quilter online. :) -Melissa