Monday, October 18, 2004

heheheeh... I have pictures :)

That's right - first off - I almost forgot yesterday was the DD SAL Sunday - so just as Law and Order Criminal Intent came on I pulled out the Virtue Dragon Wisdom and worked for an hour and a half on it before proof reading my bf's paper and going to bed... so here's my little bit of progress :

I did not forget however to finish up my quilt blocks for class on tuesday - they are both quilted now! You can see them here - but for a closer look click on the pictures:

And block 2:

Besides that I got a lot done on the website this weekend of course there are 20 more tasks left to do but i got the shopping cart/checkout process fixed completely.

Friday night was a tastefully simple party at my aunt's - it was fun, and seeing the kids was great, saturday we ended up staying at my uncle's till about noon and we made plans for next weekend to come up and hopefully change the rotars and breakpads on my bf's car in the rear.

Then my bf's parents called and they are coming out to visit next saturday in the afternoon - so i really need to clean the apartment friday - the pressure is on :) Only because i haven't cleaned in a while since i didn't even think about it this weekend :) So tonight is the last night i will work on the website for a while, my week is filling up fast:
tuesday : quilt class
wed: aunt's house - quilting :)
thur: stitch night
fri: clean apartment
sat: (possible breakfast at bf's school), parents visit in afternoon, head to uncle's at night
sun: at uncle's for most of day - home at night - work on website.
Whew i'm tired just thinking about it. So now i have to get some work done, we have a meeting taking up the entire afternoon so morning is my only time to get actual work done!


Woolly said...

I think I would like to do some stitching to unwind in the evening. How would I start?

Kitty Couture said...

Hi Nicole! Lovely pics! Really I can't wait to see the quilt all assembled... The colours are original and give it a "modern" look. How many blocks will you have at the end?

Have a nice, busy week...